Live Demo Link http://liberty-templatesyard.blogspot.com/
Download Link: https://gooyaabitemplates.com/download/Liberty (free version)
Liberty is a 3 column blogger template, specially for made for better ad placement. Liberty focus on Multi-Purpose Responsive Creative design Template that can use all kind of Business sites. Homepage designed for multi purpose, Authority blogs, Agency, Apps, Architect, Bakery, Boxed, Border design, Business, Charity, College, Construction, Corporate, Education, Hosting, Industry, Magazine, Medical, Personal, Portfolio, Restaurant, School, Shop, Travel, University, Wedding etc. The design can attach the people for improving your brand. Simplicity and Colorful web makes you a classy business to Intimate relation to your readers. You’re also digging up Responsive featured post and responsive design that can be world class enormous experience for your current visitors and readers. Check more awesome features of the Liberty Blogger Template
Template Features:
Liberty 3 Column Blogger Template is a 3 column blogger template specially made for event blogs. A perfect template with extra sidebar which doesn’t hide in small devices. It is best suitable for event blogs, tech blogs, howto blogs, authority blogs, news, magazine, food, recipe, agency, construction, app showcase, school, job portal, travel, university etc. This is an advertisement focused template with perfectly optimized and positioned ad slots to boost your blog income. 3 Columns, 3 Columns Footer, White, Green, Seo Ready, Personal Pages, Fast Loading, Browser Compatibility, Ads Ready, Drop Down Menu, Social Bookmark Ready, Breadcrumb Navigation Ready, 1 Right Sidebar, 1 Left Sidebar, News, Technology, Responsive, Magazine, Post Thumbnails, Email Subscription Widget Ready, Page Navigation Menu .
Watch Youtube Installation Video
Template Author: TemplatesYard
Liberty 3 Column Blogger Template is a 3 column blogger template specially made for event blogs. A perfect template with extra sidebar which doesn’t hide in small devices. It is best suitable for event blogs, tech blogs, howto blogs, authority blogs, news, magazine, food, recipe, agency, construction, app showcase, school, job portal, travel, university etc. This is an advertisement focused template with perfectly optimized and positioned ad slots to boost your blog income. 3 Columns, 3 Columns Footer, White, Green, Seo Ready, Personal Pages, Fast Loading, Browser Compatibility, Ads Ready, Drop Down Menu, Social Bookmark Ready, Breadcrumb Navigation Ready, 1 Right Sidebar, 1 Left Sidebar, News, Technology, Responsive, Magazine, Post Thumbnails, Email Subscription Widget Ready, Page Navigation Menu .
Watch Youtube Installation Video
Template Author: TemplatesYard
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